Introduction: Recycle the Electronic Ballast From Compact Fluorescent Lamp (Reciclar La Balastra Electronica De Un Foco Ahorrador )

About: I love to do electronics projects, and also to share them

Hi ! in this instructable we are going to recycle the electronic ballast from a CFL


Hola , en este instructable vamos a reciclar la balastra electronica de un foco ahorrador


Step 1: The Material and Tools

The things that you will need are :


1 Fluorescent tube (it depends on the power that you want , in my case I used one of 15 watt )

1 Compact Fluorescent Lamp (If the tube that you want to drive is 15 watt , you will need a CFL of 15 watts or more )


These are the most common



Soldering and soldering iron

Cutting pliers


Las cosas que vamos a necesitar son :


1 Tubo Fluorescente (Depende en la potencia que necesites , en mi caso use uno de 15 watt)

1 Foco o Lampara Ahorrador (Si el tubo que quieres usar es de 15 watt , vas a necesitar un foco ahorrador de 15 watts o mas )


Estas son las mas comunes



Soldadura y cautin

Pinzas de corte


Please be careful of touching the ballast pcb ,by the capacitors , try to insolate the conections and pcb

(Por favor tenga cuidado de tocar el pcb , por los capacitores , Procure aislar bien las conexiones y el pcb )

Step 2: Open and Remove (Abrir Y Remover)

With the flat screwdriver pry the base taking careful not to break the glass , then cut the wires from the ballast to the tube and the ac mains wires , dont open the lamp if it is conected to the AC mains , also remove with the soldering iron the connections in the pcb that are conected to the tube.


Con el destornillador plano abra la base con cuidado de no romper el vidrio del tubo , despues corta los cables de la balastra al conector E27 y los cables de la balastra al tubo , tambien desolda los conectores en el pcb que estan conectados al tubo


Step 3: Wire Everything in to the Tube and Wire the Plug That Later Will Be Conected to Ac Mains (Conecta Todo Al Tubo Y Al Enchufe Que Sera Conectado Mas Tarde)

Before conecting the plug to ac mains wire everything and make sure you had insolated everything and you will not touch the pcb.

Solder wires to the tube and to the ballast , and prepare to test it , before check everything is well insolated.


Antes de conectar el enchufe a la luz conecta todo y asegurate que hayas aislado todo y no vas a tocar la pcb

Solda cables al tubo y la balastra , prepara para probarlo , primero checa que todo este bien aislado


Step 4: Test It and a Video (Probarlo Y Un Video)

Congratulations the project is complete just test it


Felicidades el proyecto esta completo , solo pruebalo
