Introduction: Robot Project UTK 2017

Mission: Our team of engineers has been hired by Froogle, a Nonprofit foundation for open-source technology development, to develop an innovative Human Assisting Mars Rover.

-Out teams "rover" is a roomba that we coded to execute a series of commands so that the roomba rover will assists humans during their exploration and habitation of Mars.

Step 1:

–Once people begin to colonize on Mars, everyone will need food to survive ad potatoes are the best solution.

–Our robot stays within the boundaries of the garden and locates the placement of our plants.

–After locating where the potato plants are located, the robot will then check if a potato is already planted or not.

–If there is a potato already planted, the robot will either check on the plant, harvest it, and or water it and then move on to the next plant.

–If there is not a potato already planted, the robot will dig a hole and then plant a seed so that another potato plant will grow.

Step 2:

-To begin, we brainstormed ideas of what we wanted our roomba rover to do and how we could code and show off his ability to be a great personal gardening assistant.

-We basically created a code segment that would tell the rumba rover to operate above a light colored floor

-It would travel around and would scan various areas to determine if a plant is in front of it or not.

-Based on what the rumba rover sees in front of it, in our case the colored papers, it will then execute a series of commands that would aim to helping an astronaut keep up and maintain a personal garden.

-When the rover faces the red post, it stops in front of the post and displays a menu to the astronaut of how it can interact with the plant, such as watering, fertilizing, etc.

-–When it faces the green post, the rover will turn all the way around and beep to indicate a place where a plant can be planted.

-All these steps would be the basic fictions of what a personal gardening robot would need to do in order to aid astronauts on Mars.

Step 3:

-Above we supplied pictures of the code we used to execute the various commands we wanted from our robot

-We wanted to come up with something that was not only creative but also practicle

-We know that one way to improve this is to have our robot execute more functions so that it can be even more helpful if it were ever needed on a plant such as Mars.