Introduction: Robotic Car With Bluetooth

Celia Redondo Verdú


Computer Engineering class - Bayside Secondary School

This is a very easy way (even for beginners) to make a Robotic Car controlled with your smartphone by using Bluetooth.

It has the basic commands (forward, backward, right and left) but also I am going to show you more expansions: add LEDs and a horn to the project.

Step 1: Materials

Here there is a list of the materials and where you can find them as well. All of them can be found in Amazon
  • Arduino UNO Arduino UNO
  • Adafruit Motor Shield v2.3 Motor Shield
  • Bluetooth Module HC-05 Bluetooth
  • Chassis (comes with the wheels, DC motors, and battery pack) Cassis
  • LEDs
    • 2 white
    • 2 yellow
    • 2 red
  • Resistors (10Ω,100Ω, 330Ω)
  • Passive Buzzer
  • Jumping wires
  • Male to female wires
  • Mini Breadboard Mini Breadboards
  • 4 AA batteries
  • Tape

I got a kit which included the LEDs, buzzer, wires, resistors and more kit

Step 2: Assembly

  1. Assembly the chassis: the kit from Amazon comes with the instructions.
  2. Set the Motor Shield on top of the Arduino UNO
  3. Set the breadboards in the chassis

I used tape and elastics to fix everything to the chassis but you can also use glue

The disposition vary on the individual's needs

Step 3: Wiring

  1. Connect the DC motors to the Motor Shield
    • The wires from one DC go to M1 (motor 1) and the others go to M2 (motor 2)
    • The order does not matter, but both wires from the same motor must be in the same section (either M1 or M2)
  2. The power goes connected to the Motor Shield as well:
    • Black wire -> Negative
    • Red wire -> Positive
  3. Bluetooth Module
    • GND module -> GND board
    • VCC module -> 5V board
    • TXD module -> RXD board (pin 0)
    • RXD module -> TXD board (pin 1)

Expansion :

  1. LEDs
    • 2 front white LEDs -> pin 5
    • 2 back red LEDs -> pin 7
    • 2 turning yellow LEDs
      • Right -> pin 6
      • Left -> pin 5
    • All LEDs go connected to the GND in the board
  2. Buzzer
    • passive buzzer -> pin 12
    • GND in the board as well

Step 4: Phone App

I used this app that it is for Android called Bluetooth RC Controller and you can find it in Google Play (free)

Bluetooth RC Controller

Here are the commands available for the app to connect in the code:

Forward -> F
Backward -> B Left -> L Right -> R Forward Left -> G Forward Right -> I Back Left -> H Back Right -> J Stop -> S Front Lights On -> W (upper case) Front Lights Off -> w (lower case) Back Lights On -> U (upper case) Back Lights Off -> u (lower case) Horn On -> V (upper case) Horn Off -> v (lower case) Extra On -> X (upper case) Extra Off -> x (lower case) Speed 0 -> 0 (zero) Speed 10 -> 1 Speed 20 -> 2 Speed 30 -> 3 Speed 40 -> 4 Speed 50 -> 5 Speed 60 -> 6 Speed 70 -> 7 Speed 80 -> 8 Speed 90 -> 9 Speed 100 -> q Stop All -> D

Step 5: Code (simple)

This project uses IDE Arduino Code

  • Code for the basic controls (only movement)

// Celia Redondo Verdu
// ROBOTIC CAR // // Simple comands: forwards, backwards, right and left

// Control of speed

#include //libraries for the motor shield to work

Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(); Adafruit_DCMotor *myMotor = AFMS.getMotor(2); //right Adafruit_DCMotor *myotherMotor = AFMS.getMotor(1); //left

char command;

void setup() { Serial.begin (9600); // serial pin (bluetooth) AFMS.begin(9600); // start the motor shield

myMotor->setSpeed(150); myotherMotor->setSpeed(150);


void loop() {

if (Serial.available()>0) { command =; //this sends the information to the serial port called command // the commands are the ones that my app includes (the ones shown in the Instructable) switch(command){ if (command == 'F') { case 'F': { myMotor -> run (FORWARD); myotherMotor -> run (FORWARD); delay (25); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); } } if (command == 'B') { case 'B': { myMotor -> run (BACKWARD); myotherMotor -> run (BACKWARD); delay (25); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); } }

if (command == 'L') { case 'L': { myMotor -> run (BACKWARD); //LEFT myotherMotor -> run (FORWARD); //LEFT delay (10); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); } }

if (command == 'R') { case 'R': { myMotor -> run (FORWARD); //RIGHT myotherMotor -> run (BACKWARD); //RIGHT delay (10); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); } }

// SPEED CONTROL // if (command == 'q') { case 'q': { myMotor -> setSpeed (250); myotherMotor -> setSpeed (250); } }

if (command == '5'){ case '5':{ myMotor -> setSpeed (200); myotherMotor -> setSpeed (200); } } if (command == '10'){ case '10':{ myMotor -> setSpeed (300); myotherMotor -> setSpeed (300); } }

} //end swithc command Serial.print(command); } //end if serial available } // END of the code

Step 6: Code for the Expansions

This code is to control the LEDs with the Bluetooth module (without being connected to the car)

// Code to control an LED witth Bluetooh a HC-05 Bluetooth module
// I recomend doing this before going into controlling the dc motors in the car // so you are familiar with how the Bluetooth works

// this code is adapted to the app that I have used for the car in order to learn how to control it

char command;

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode (13,OUTPUT); // pin of the LED


void loop() { if (Serial.available()>0) //this means that the code below will take place when the Bluetooth receives the signal { command =;

switch(command) { case 'F': digitalWrite (13, HIGH); break; // I used F to turn the LED ON but in the car it is used as FORWARD case 'B': digitalWrite (13, LOW); break; // B is BACKARD for when you are controlling a car default : break; } Serial.print(command); } }

This code is to control the Buzzer with the Bluetooth module (without being connected to the car)

// Code to control a buzzer with the bluettoth module
// the commands are directed by the app that I used for the robotic car

const int buzzer = 12; char command;

void setup() {

Serial.begin (9600);

pinMode (12, OUTPUT); }

void loop() {

if (Serial.available()>0) { command =;

switch (command){

if (command == 'V'){ case 'V':{ tone (buzzer, 1000); } } if (command == 'v'){ case 'v':{ noTone(buzzer); } }

} }


Step 7: Final Code

This is the code that includes all the features for the car

// Celia Redondo Verdu
// ROBOTIC CAR // // Simple comands: forwards, backwards, right and left // Front LEDs, turning LEDs, back LEDs and emergency LEDs (with buzzer) // Buzzer as a horn // Control of speed

#include //libraries for the motor shield to work

Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(); Adafruit_DCMotor *myMotor = AFMS.getMotor(2); //right Adafruit_DCMotor *myotherMotor = AFMS.getMotor(1); //left

const int buzzer = 12; //buzzer pin 12

char command;

void setup() { Serial.begin (9600); // serial pin (bluetooth) AFMS.begin(9600); // start the motor shield

myMotor->setSpeed(150); myotherMotor->setSpeed(150);

pinMode (7, OUTPUT); //back red LEDs pinMode (4, OUTPUT); //front left yellow LED pinMode (6, OUTPUT); //front right yellow LED pinMode (5, OUTPUT); //front white LEDs

pinMode (12, OUTPUT); //buzzer }

void loop() {

if (Serial.available()>0) { command =; //this sends the information to the serial port called command // the commands are the ones that my app includes (the ones shown in the Instructable) switch(command){ if (command == 'F') { case 'F': { myMotor -> run (FORWARD); myotherMotor -> run (FORWARD); delay (25); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); } } if (command == 'B') { case 'B': { myMotor -> run (BACKWARD); myotherMotor -> run (BACKWARD); digitalWrite (7, HIGH); // this pin is the back red LEDs delay (25); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); digitalWrite (7, LOW); // to turn off the back LEDs once the cra stops going backwards } }

if (command == 'L') { case 'L': { myMotor -> run (BACKWARD); //LEFT myotherMotor -> run (FORWARD); //LEFT digitalWrite (4, HIGH); //yellow LED when turning left. delay (10); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); digitalWrite (4, LOW); } }

if (command == 'R') { case 'R': { myMotor -> run (FORWARD); //RIGHT myotherMotor -> run (BACKWARD); //RIGHT digitalWrite (6, HIGH); //yellow LED when turning right. delay (10); myMotor -> run (RELEASE); myotherMotor -> run (RELEASE); digitalWrite (6, LOW); } }

// LEDs // case 'W': digitalWrite (5, HIGH); break; //turn ON white front LEDs case 'w': digitalWrite (5, LOW); break; //turn OFF white front LEDs

// the code down below is the one for the emergency lights and the buzzer if (command == 'X'){ case 'X': { for (int x = 1; x < 8; x++){ digitalWrite (4, HIGH); digitalWrite (6, HIGH); digitalWrite (7, HIGH); digitalWrite (12, HIGH); delay (500); digitalWrite (4, LOW); digitalWrite (6, LOW); digitalWrite (7, LOW); digitalWrite (12, LOW); delay (500); } } } if (command == 'x'){ case 'x':{ digitalWrite (4, LOW); digitalWrite (6, LOW); digitalWrite (7, LOW); digitalWrite (12, LOW); } }

// HORN (BUZZER) // if (command == 'V'){ case 'V':{ tone (buzzer, 1000); } } if (command == 'v'){ case 'v':{ noTone(buzzer); } }

// SPEED CONTROL // if (command == 'q') { case 'q': { myMotor -> setSpeed (250); myotherMotor -> setSpeed (250); } }

if (command == '5'){ case '5':{ myMotor -> setSpeed (200); myotherMotor -> setSpeed (200); } } if (command == '10'){ case '10':{ myMotor -> setSpeed (300); myotherMotor -> setSpeed (300); } }

} //end swithc command Serial.print(command); } //end if serial available } // END of the code

Step 8: Final Connexion

Upload the code to the Arduino Board and connect all the wiring and the power.

Tip: in order for me to upload the code to the board I had to disconnect the RX and TX to the board

To connect the app with the car:

  1. go to Bluetooth and pair the module. It is going to be labeled as HC-05
  2. the password is 0000 or 1234
  3. go to the app and press settings and connect to the car
  4. find the Bluetooth module in the list and press to connect
  5. the red light in the screen will turn green when it is paired

Step 9: Done

And there you have a Robotic Car controlled with your smartphone.

Enjoy :)

If you have any questions contact me email