Introduction: Rotary Massage Machine V1.0 (Prototype)

Rotary Massage Machine, is a device that helps you relax your muscles when they are tense. It can also help to untangle muscles knots or can be used for deep tissue treatment.

The two knobs on the bottom have an elevated area to protrude the tissue more effectively. The RMM for short, is designed to cover the following massage technics:

- Effleurage

- Petrissage

- Friction

- Vibration

If turned on, the knobs will rotate in 180 degrees around their axis. The current version supports 3 variations of movement. Cycle through the different configurations by pressing the button at the top. Adjust the speed at which the knobs move with the rotary knob. To turn off the device, hold down the button for around 3 seconds. The red LED will turn on to indicate that it is (still) being powered.

*The benefits of a massage are: relaxes the client & the facial muscles, stimulates the blood and lymph circulation, improves overall metabolism and activates sluggish skin, helps muscle tonehelps cleanse the skin of impurities and softens sebum, helps slough off dead skin cells, helps reduce puffiness and sinus congestion, helps product absorptionhelps relieve muscle tensions & pain, provides a sense of physiological and psychological well-being


*the site doesn't allow me to remove this section... (:

Step 1: Getting Started / Requirements

Arduino Parts:

- (1x) Arduino Uno

- (2x) Servo

- (1x) Potentiometer

- (1x) LED

- (16x) Jumper Wires

- (1x) 220 Ohm Resistor

- (1x) 10K Ohm Resistor

- (1x) Button

- (1x) Volume Knob


- (16x) Nails

- (1x) Soldering Iron

- (1x) Solder Rod

- (1x) Tape

- (1x) Wood Glue

- (1x) Plank of ± 45x45x4 mm

Step 2: The Wiring

Connect everything according to the image reference!

  • The LED is connected to pin 13
  • The button is connected to pin 2
  • Servo 1 is connected to pin ~9
  • Servo 2 is connected to pin ~10
  • We read the potentiometer value from pin A0

Remember to always use a breadboard before soldering everything together. This is not only useful to test your circuit, but to also check if there is any failure in your components.

Step 3: Preparing the Case

The prototype version is a box shape, so this should be fairly easy to make. After cutting out the walls of the housing, continue cutting out the holes accordinging to size of the parts you are using. For the massage knobs at the bottom, simply stack a couple of planks on top of each other and glue them together. After that, create and polish the desired shape with some sandpaper.

See the image for reference

Step 4: Building the Case

The walls are split up into two seperate parts and are connected with wood glue.

Connecting the servo's with the massage knobs is a bit tricky. For this you'll need a sturdy clamp to hold the knob in its position. Use tiny nails that go through the holes of the servo arm.

Step 5: Assembling the Case

After soldering, use the tape to isolate all the jumper wires from each other. This is to prevent the circuit from malfunctioning.

Step 6: Finalizing the Case

Use up all your nails to finish off the casing and conceil all the wiring. And there you go!

Step 7: Uploading the Code

Almost done! To upload the code to your Arduino Uno board, download the Arduino IDE from their website

Then, download the code for the Rotary Massage Machine version 1.0 here!

After finished installing, upload the code to your Arduino Uno board using the IDE and you are all done!!