Introduction: Russian Roulette

About: hello fellow intructablers As you can tell for my first few months of instructabling I did not have a camera. I do have one now and no I will not be updating my old instructables. Some recommended authors on…

this is a game that the russians invented in WWI they used it against there prisoners

Step 1: Stuff You Need

1. a friend
2. a cap gun (make sure it's a revolver)
3. some caps
4. scissors

Step 2: How to Play

first take one circle of caps and cut the little things that connect them and load up to 5 in the gun depending on how lucky you think you are. next spin the guns chamber and finnally hold the guns barrel to your head and shoot then you let your friend try

Step 3: The After Math

finally your done and feel free to make bets with your friend (maybye not a lot of money but gum, candy, quarters things like that