Introduction: SD Turret Rifle Instructions

About: Hey there. I won't add too much info here, as it'll show up as one big paragraph. I'm not super active anymore, on here.

Hi there,

These are the instructions for my Scarlet Devil.
For more information on the gun itself, please visit the slideshow of it.

I hope the instructions are clear enough, but if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them.

Step 1: The Stock

There are two broken pieces that are necessary in this step: the orange connector and white rod in the trigger.

The broken rod on the red connector and yellow connector above it can be replaced:
A non broken rod on the red connector, and a green connector instead of the broken yellow one.

For the broken orange connector, be sure to make the edges smooth. Otherwise, it may not be able to fire.

Step 2: Some Small Parts for the Stock

The blue rod is to stop you from pulling the firing back too far.

Step 3: Handle and Turret

The inside of the turret is filled with white connectors, to keep it from collapsing.

Step 4: The Front

Step 5: Finishing It Up

The sight can be replaced by anything you want. The white rods won't fall out, they get held in by the connectors in the middle layers.

Putting the front and back together can be tricky, but it's doable.

Step 6: Finished

Tell my what you think of it in the comments.
Feel free to modify it in any way you want, and upload some photos of it!