Introduction: Salsalades (Vegetarian Salsa Enchiladas)

About: I'm a professional writer and an amateur sewist, builder, hot gluer, dremel user, crocheter, painter, paper crafter, and baker.

This is one of my favorite home made Mexican recipes. It's a really easy and tasty recipe that only requires a few ingredients. Let's give it a go!

Step 1: Ingredients

Serves six:

6 tortillas (burrito-sized)

24 oz. salsa

2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, divided

1 bell pepper

1 package rice (I used Spanish Rice a Roni)

2 cans pinto beans (drained & rinsed)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Cook your rice according to package directions. While it's cooking, dice up your bell pepper.

Step 2: Mix Ingredients

After rice is done cooking, mix in your diced bell pepper, rinsed pinto beans, 1 cup cheese and a third of your salsa.

Step 3: Salsa It Up

Pour another third of the salsa on the bottom a 9x13 baking pan.

Step 4: Fill and Fold Tortillias

Lay out six tortillas and fill with mixture evenly. Spread more cheese on top if desired.

Fold burrito style and fit all six tortillas next to each other in the pan.

Step 5: Cover With Remaining Ingredients

Cover with remaining rice mix, remaining salsa, and cup of cheese.

Step 6: Bake

Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes, until cheese is melted.

Step 7: Enjoy!

Mexican Food Contest

Participated in the
Mexican Food Contest