Introduction: Secret Base in Minecraft PE

About: I play Minecraft on pc, Xbox 360 and pe. If you ever want to do an instructable with me on the 360 just ask and I will mention you

Step 1: Finding a Place to Build

The first step you do is find a place to build your base. I personally like to build into mountains.

Step 2: Build Your Base

You can make your base 10-20 blocks underground or more and then make a room as big as you want.

Step 3: Build a House

In this step you should build a house around it or any building to cover it up. And then put a line of bookcase where the entrance.

Step 4: Secret Time

Now where your entrance is you should mark it with something that reminds you where your base is.

Step 5:

Step 6: Decorate

Now just decorate it! Any way you want!

This is my first instruct able I hope you guys enjoyed it!