Introduction: Single Shot Handgun

Its a single shot gun
Ammo: red rods

It started as a mod of killerk's gun
When I was trying to make a new frame for the mechanism so I could make it more powerful

Step 1: Barrel and Slide

Picture 1 - 5: barrel
Picture 6: slide
Picture 7: combine barrel and slide

Step 2: Trigger

Picture 1: part 1
Picture 2: part 2
Picture 3: combine part 1 and 2

Step 3: Handle

Picture 1 - 2: part 1 and 2
Picture 3 - 4: part 3 and 4
Picture 5: part 5
Picture 6: combine part 3 and 5
Picture 7: combine part 3 and 4
Picture 8: combine part 3 and 2
Picture 9: combine part 3 and 1
Picture 10: combine part 3 and trigger
Picture 11: attach a rubber band

Step 4: Ram

Ram with tape and straps

Step 5: Frame of the Slide

Picture 1: part 1 and 2
Picture 2 - 4: part 3
Picture 5 - 6: part 4
Picture 7: combine part 3 and 4
Picture 8 - 9: add part 1
Picture 10 - 11: add part 2
Picture 12: add slide
Picture 13: add handle
Picture 14: add firing pin
Picture 15 - 16: add rubber bands
Picture 17 - 18: add rubber band

Step 6: New Handle

New handle that can hold more power.

!!! You need to break a grey connector to make this. (displayed in picture 2)