Introduction: Smart Doorbell

Ringing at the door will trigger two events:

1 - A pop-up will appear on the registered computers and smartphones

2 - The stream of the ip-cam will be shown on a web-site for a certain time.
This can be used in parallel on any connected device. I.e. you can see the page on all computers. Nevertheless I have installed a cheap tablet in the entrance area as well.

Step 1: Video-Stream

Per default a wordclock is shown on the web-site.

When the arduino has been triggered, the video -stream of the ip-cam will be shown for a certain time.

A raspberry is used to host Web-Server as it is already running 24/7.

Nevertheless you could any other system like a NAS.

Step 2: Pushingbox

In parallel the Arduino is sending a trigger to pushingbox.

I choose pushbullet as a client on my computers and mobile devices.

After 1-3 seconds later you will get a pop-on on the registered devices.

Subsequently you can manually open the web-site.

Step 3: Arduino Code

The code is based on general code from for Arduino.

I have basically cloned the function calling to call my own web-server .

Step 4: Web-Server

There are three files:

door.php - this is page should be called by your browser

doorbell.php - this file is handling the timestamp

testbell.html - simulating the trigger from the arduino