Introduction: Spark Plug Race Car Paperweight

About: If I had to explain it, you just wouldn't understand so it's probably easier to just continue our relationship as it is right now.

Who doesn't need another paper weight, or just another piece of cool schlock to put on their desk? Take your formula car (or any old clunker's) spark plugs and put them to good use - make a race car themed paper weight.

What you'll need:
(1) Spark plug
(2) cotter pins, or nails or any straight, not aluminum, weldable pieces of metal
(4) nuts, ideally two pairs of slightly carying sizes
(1) sirclip (or anything else you'd like to serve as a wing, tail, etc.
(1) smallish bolt
(1) long-nose needle-nosed pliers
(1) cup of water
Oxy/Acetylene torch
Brass rods.

Step 1: Making the Axles

Heat the first nut you plan to weld, until it glows a nice orange. Then take your axle (cotter pin, nail or other piece of straight metal) and weld one nut to either side of the axle material. Obviously, be sure to weld the nuts so that they are even and will sit straight across when you weld it to the spark plug.

Repeat so you have two sets of axles with wheels.

Step 2: Dip, Dip, Divin'

You're no dummy. You know welding means you're dealing with super hot stuff here. So have a nice big, wide mouthed container of water available. You'll also need some long needle-nosed pliers like you see in this picture. After each step, be sure to dunk it in the water to quench it.

Step 3: Add Some Wheels

Unscrew the little cap off the top of the spark plug - I should remember the name of this but it escapes me. Then heat that up until its a nice little glow of orange. Then use your needle nose pliers to gently balance the heated plug on the axle with wheels you created in the previous step.

Using your long needle nosed pliers, dip the piece in water to cool it off before moving on to the next step.

Step 4: Back Wheels

Balance the back of the car, the threads portion, not the porcelain, on the second axle and set of wheels you created. Then heat the area before welding it together.

Remember to handle with care and use your needle nosed pliers. This step can be tricky to balance the car on the second set of axles so if you don't have a second person helping you to hold it in place, its better to balance the car and then heat it and weld it.

Step 5: Reinforcements!

After you've done the first welds, you can flip the spark plug on what is now the top of the car and re-enforce your axle welds to make sure they'll hold tight. This is kind of an optional step.

Step 6: Where's Your Flair?

The rest of the car is up to your discretion as far as what details you'd like to add to make your car full of goodness. For this project, we added a sirclip for a spoiler/wing. To do this, hang the plug off the end of the bench and balance the clip to weld it on.

Step 7: Whose Driving This Thing?

You can use a small bolt to simulate the driver's head. We screwed a nut halfway down the bolt to give it a different look so our driver wasn't a pinhead or didn't look like Beeker from the Muppets.