Introduction: Spicy Meatloaf

About: I helped start Instructables, previously worked in biotech and academic research labs, and have a degree in biology from MIT. Currently head of Product helping young startups at Alchemist Accelerator, previous…

This savory meatloaf recipe was based on a recipe from the Parsi cookbook, though I've modified it a bit to my tastes.


Meat Loaf
2.5 pounds ground turkey (or any other reasonably lean meat)
2 purple onions, chopped finely
large chunk fresh ginger, grated
handful garlic, grated or finely chopped (I like LOTS.)
4 seranno chiles, minced
1 bunch fresh cilantro, minced
3 large eggs
~1/3 lb grated sweet potato (or white potato)

1T oil
2T pomegranate concentrate (aka pomegranate molasses)

- Preheat oven to 350F
- Wash and chop all of your ingredients.
- Squish the meat loaf ingredients together in a bowl. Hands work much better than any tools for this job. Drop the mixture into a baking pan, and shape into a nice loaf.
- Combine oil and pomegranate, then brush onto top of meatloaf.
- Bake around 45 minutes, or until the meatloaf is cooked through. (Check with a knife as time approaches, and modify as necessary for your oven.)

This is a nice, vegetal version of meatloaf, and I loved the pomegranate topping. It went really well with a fruity green salad. There was a bit of unsightly proteinaceous goop around the edges, but it tasted good. Adding a bit more starch would likely keep it from bleeding out, but I didn't want to use bread crumbs or white potatoes. Just stir together and pour it over the slices when you serve.