Introduction: Sprinkler Cannon

In this tutorial I will teach you how to build a sprinkler canon. They are very easy to make and only take 20 minutes.

Step 1: Gathering Materials

1 broken or new sprinkler
One rubber toy (look above for picture. This part isn't crucial but it helps a lot)
Pocket knife

After you take apart your sprinkler, keep only the parts I show you below.

Step 2: Preparing the Materials

Before you start constructing you cannon you will need to cut 2 components of your sprinkler. First, you have to cut the top. So the object will fit through.(see top picture) after that, you will need to cut off the part at the bottom. So it is flat and the launcher can be pulled through the bottom.(see bottom picture)

Step 3: Assembly

After that you need to assemble your cannon. Follow the pictures above step by step.

Step 4: Shooting

To launch,first load the cannon with whatever it is you want to shoot. Next, stick your finger in the top and push the piece with the rubber part down. Then you should see it sticking out the bottom. When you do pull it out as far as it will go. Finally aim at the object or person you want to shoot it at and let go.

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