Introduction: Sprouting Organic Grain for Poultry. Graines Germes Bio - Basse-cour. Granos Germinados Para Pollos

About: I live in a forest garden by the sea in an old Celtic longhouse in the Baie de Mont Saint Michel, France, which I share with Andy and our poultry. Before I escaped and became a happy peasant, I had three jobs …

Showing how we sprout organic triticale for our poultry, including a taste test by Hastings the Cochin cockerel.
Public Domain Music from 'A Tiny Window'
and also at:
Comment faire germer les graines pour l'alimentation de votre basse-cour? C'est facile. Dégustation par Hastings notre coq Pékin

Los granos germinados para alimentación de aves de corral