Introduction: Super Duper Shmooper Bouncy Ball!

About: I'm a fourteen year old memester who loves to sew and doo arduino related things.

Yeah, bouncy balls are cool, but have you ever tried making your own? Didn't think so. So, I have crossed the raging seas, braved the tallest mountains, and slain a bunch of dragons to bring you this instructable on how to make your own! No need to thank me, just doing my job. Carry on, fine soldier!

Step 1: Materials

You will need: 91% alcohol, sodium silicate(easily found in magic rocks kit, $9.99), measuring spoons, food Dye(optional), rubber gloves, mixing stick, small Tupperware container, tiny Tupperware container, brain(not easily found), ball for comparison

Step 2: Lets Get to WORK

Pour sodium silicate into tiny Tupperware container until reaches the 4 teaspoon mark, then drop in optional food Dye. Pour in small Tupperware container, then pour one teaspoon of 91% alcohol in. Stir like your life depends on it.

Step 3: Put on Dem GLOVES

Put on the rubber gloves, pick what looks like a dog doo on your hands, and start rolling! After it's kinda in a sphere shape, I suggest putting it in one off the spoons that best fits it. Wait a few mineutes and then... A ball! Bounce it bounce it bounce it...

Crafting 101

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Crafting 101