Introduction: Super Minibow

About: Says hi to his homies.

EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!!! You can sharpen your rods, but I'm not sure if the ammo flies straight. It moves too fast for me to be able for me to tell.

Step 1: Center

I wasn't really sure what else to call it.

Step 2: Extentions

These are called extensions because they extend the the length that you can pull back the rubber band.

Step 3: Bow


Step 4: Braces

This prevents the bow from collapsing.

Step 5: Rubber Bands


Step 6: Attach

This part is slightly confusing.

Step 7: Put It All Together

Put it all together.

Step 8: Loading and Ammo

The ammo is a simple gray rod. Stick it through the extensions and load however you want. Hold the bow like in the pic.