Introduction: How to Make Traditional Taketombo

About: Taketombo(bamboo-copter) is Japnese traditional toy. Good Taketombo can fly over 50m high, 100m distance, Flight time over 13 seconds. In order to efficiently investigate the flight performance of a Taketombo…

Taketombo(bamboo-copter) is Japnese traditional toy. Good Taketombo can fly over 50[m] high, 100[m] distance, Flight time over 13 [sec].

How to Make Traditional Taketombo.

Step 1: How to Make Traditional Taketombo: Cut the Bamboo

Cut the bamboo into a wing shape

Step 2: How to Make Traditional Taketombo: Balance the Wings

Shave and balance the heavier wing

Step 3: How to Make Traditional Taketombo: ​Adjust the Angle of Attack

Heat the wings with a heat gun to adjust the attack angle

Step 4: How to Make Traditional Taketombo: Completed

The figure is a completed traditional Taketombo.

However, the same shape can not be made again.

Step 5:

Adjust the angle of attack