Introduction: The Classic Exploding Soda Prank

About: "There's no such thing as a waste of time..."

Hey guys, it's me again (Happy New Year!) and this Instructable will show you how to make your victim's favorite can of soda explode. This however, is really funny and effective. Hope you enjoy!

Step 1: Things You'll Need

Your victim's favorite can of soda A victim

Step 2:

Ask the victim if he wants a can of soda.

Step 3: Shake, Shake, Shake!!!

Go out of the room where the victim can't see you and give that can a good, long shake!

Step 4: Outcome

Give the victim the can. When he/she opens it, the can will spray everywhere! Make sure that you're watching the victim open the can! Also, don't forget to follow me, favorite this Instructable, and also leave nice comments! I love nice comments!