Introduction: The Yerjoking Pistol *UPDATED New Video of Other Guns*

About: My name is Dylan. Call me Dylan or Yerjoking, I prefer Dylan, but whatever is comfortable. I despise fake accounts, and rickrolls when they're pointless eg. Posted on an 'ible or forum (unless that 'ible or …
This is my pistol, its a true trigger sort of, and i got the trigger from gotja, the pistol is about the average size of a normal pistol, the only thing that i sort of coppied was the trigger, anyway, the good things: erm...has decent range, accurate?
bad things: the trigger can't hold a hell lot of tension, the trigger is weird, and you don't pull it you sort of push it, (build it and you'll know what i mean) and you have to "pull" the trigger in order to pull the firig pin back, the gun fires grey connectors

Please ignore background, a new video with better quality and voice will be up shortly, i didn't realize i had sound on, because it was switched off, anyway, i now have a better pistol than this one, if you like it, say and i will post pictures and/or an instructable =]

The video below is for banana inventor

the video below this text is the other guns

Step 1: Peice Count


Orange - 14

Yellow - 23

Blue hubcap - 1

Grey (one slot) - 7

Red - 7

White - 23


Green/black - around 66

Yellow - 1

Blue - 3

White/Silver - around 35

Other: 3 black hands/y clips

Total : around 186 Enough to make a few for dear victims, erm, i mean friends =]

Step 2: Handle

Look At pictures

Step 3: Magazine

Follow the pictures

Step 4: Trigger & Barrel

Follow pictures

Step 5: Support / Dodgy Iron Sights

Follow pictures

Step 6: Magazine Pusher

Look at pictures

Step 7: Ram

Look at pictures

Step 8: Putting the Gun Together

look at pictures

Step 9: Elastics

Not that simple if you have weird elastic bands like me

Step 10: Loading the Gun

Depending on if you've built the magazine the size as shown, you should be able to fit around 12 grey one slot connectors into the magazine, and they have to be inserted this way, or else the gun will not fire them

Step 11: Finnished

Now go and have fun =3