Introduction: The Necklace Hand Plain Tool

About: I like woodworking and making things

In this instructable i am going to make wearable and practical mini hand plain for fine shaving.( and if you are not using it you can wear it as an necklaces ) I designed it in a way that when the blade gets dole you can just swap it out with another one.

Step 1: Prepare the Wood

For this project i used dry cherry wood. but before i could use it i had to take of the bark and make it square .i did this by using a big gardening tool witch i don't now the English name for ( pic.2 )

Step 2: Shaping and Drill the Hole for the Cord

i first rounded over the corners of the block of wood, than i used my drill to make a hole for the cord to go trough

Step 3: Saw the Notch

i used my metal saw for this step because it has a thinner blade than a regular wood saw. if you still use a normal saw you can just put some tape over the blade to make a closer fit .

Step 4: Burn in Your Design (optional)

i used my old soldering iron to burn in the skull. this step is not hard but be careful because you can easily burn your fingers

Step 5: Sanding,oil and the Blade

u sanded up to 200 grid before adding a oil finish. Despite of the thin metal curing blade i used for the notch the blade was still to loose .to fix this i used some painters tape .

and until the next instructable goodbye

sir. Woodster

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Necklace Challenge

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Tools Contest

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