Introduction: "Thomas" Robot

This is a robot made with the Intel Edison during the Intel IoT Roadshow at São Paulo, June 2015.

It was named "Thomas" after Thomas Edison, who also names the lovely board used at the hackaton.

The proposal is to make a simple robot using the material provided for the event, and materials brought by the event participants, and anything else we could find to help.

The robot uses:

* - Provided by Intel for the event.

Step 1: Initial Configuration

Follow the "Get Started" tutorial for assembling the Edison with the Arduino Breakout, powering, setting up a serial terminal, and connecting to the web.

Step 2: Add the Base Shield

Mount the Base shield over the Arduino breakout board.

Step 3: Mount the Chassis: Free Wheels

Fix the free wheel to the front of the clipboard

Step 4: Mount the Chassis - Motor Wheels

Fix the motors on back of the clipboard (the side contrary to the free wheel)

Step 5: Mount the Chassis: Leds

Fix the grove leds to the front part of the plastic base

Step 6: Mount the Chassis: Ultrasonic Sensor

  1. Fix the ultrasonic sensor in the plastic spoon
  2. Fix the spoon to the clipboard

Step 7: Mount the Chassis: Arduino Breakout

Fix the arduino breakout (already with Edison and the base shield) on clipboard

Step 8: Connect Sensors and Actuators

  1. Connect the ultrasonic sensor:
    • Vcc to +5V;
    • Gnd to GND;
    • Trg to pin 13 of the base shield;
    • Echo to pin 12 of the base shield;
  2. Touch sensor: pin 7;
  3. Buzzer: pin 4;
  4. Red led: pin 2;
  5. Blue led: pin 3;
  6. Motors
    • Left: the servo motor has three leads. The color of the leads varies between servo motors, but the red lead is always 5V and GND will either be black or brown. Connect the 5V lead to the (+) of the batteries base, and the GND lead to the (-) of the batteries base. This is necessary because of current limitation by the breakout board. The other lead is the control lead. This one shall be connected to pin 5;
    • Right: connect the 5V and GND as in left motor, and the control lead to pin 6.
  7. Supply the Edison with external power supply provided by Intel.

Step 9: Code!

Copy the file to the Edison (using scp) and run it

