Introduction: Tin Foil Figurines

About: I like to do a little bit of everything, or at least try. I consider this a good thing, 'cus it gives me a lot of knowledge about a lot of different things; on the other hand, it can often leave me with a sens…

A year or so ago I found out that I could twist, bunch, and contort a sheet of aluminum foil until it looked like a dragon. Eventually I figured out that most other people can't do that, so it became something I did to break the ice at parties. I've accumulated about fourteen or fifteen of these small figurines and being the vain person I am I felt the need to share them on Intstructables. Unfortunately, the pictures don't quite do them justice (they were taken with my phone), but they're all I can do right now. 

Hope you enjoy them, and hope you stick around for when I make an 'Ible. 

P.S. I challenge you to guess who that figure in the middle of picture five is! I'll give you a hint when I get around to it (if you need one, that is).