Introduction: Tinker Toilet Paper Holder

About: Although I love all art in general, some of my favorites include photography, constructing practical stuff out of duct tape, and sewing up a storm. Before buying something I think twice about it, then usually …
Tinker toys may be fun to play with, but they are also extremely useful, especially around the house. Why buy a toilet paper holder when you can make your own at such little cost? When tinker toys meet functionality, they do wondrous things. All you need for this project is a can of tinker toys and a minute of your time.

  • Tinker toy spool with 8 holes around the outside and one hole in the center
  • Eight short yellow rods that are 3 inches long
  • One long orange rod about 10 inches long
  • Toilet paper rolls

Step 1: The Base

Basically, to make the base of the tinker toy-let paper holder (haha how I love puns), take the 8 short rods, and push them into each of the 8 holes on the outside of the spool. Make sure they are all securely stuck inside the holes.

Step 2: Final Construction

Lastly, take the longest rod, and push it into the hole in the middle of the spool. Wow, you're done already! :D

Step 3: Finishing Touches

All that's left to do is to slide the toilet paper rolls onto the holder. Place your toilet paper holder next to your toilet. I hope you enjoy your practically free toilet paper holder!

Toy Contest

Participated in the
Toy Contest

Craft Contest

Participated in the
Craft Contest

Toy Rods and Connectors Contest

Participated in the
Toy Rods and Connectors Contest