Introduction: Tiny Cheap Charge Light Out of Junk

i m going to show a DIY project which is cheap though handy when its dark out there :)

Items Required :
1. Ink Cartridge cover

2. Line PCB board

3. 2 LEDs

4. Old battery

5. Switch

6. Charging point

Additional items:

1. Soldering iron

2. Wires

Step 1: Making a Simple PCB Using Line PCB Board

take a line PCB board . choosing this PCB board because its so cheap & good enough for this project.

here i cut it down with a scissor but you can cut it down with knife or other things that is preferable to you.

here is the catch :
Cut the suitable size leaving the 2 lines in middle because those will be used by the LEDs.

make sure you are piece that u cut have at least 4 lines. This is to make sure LEDs won't miss the holes of PCB.

Step 2: Using the Old Cartridge Cover

  • Tear apart the thin plastic from the cover
  • Clean & it well before 1st use
  • the BORDER line showing the placement of our LEDs. (you can improvise as you want)
  • take a Soldering ion to make hole on the border panel according to the width of pins of LEDs

Step 3: LED Setup & Soldering

  • check the LEDs are going through the PCB that you had cut down. (as 1st pic shown)
  • now put the LEDs on the cover of cartridge
  • next attach the PCB with LEDs from under the cartridge.
  • then solder it
  • attach (+ve) pins with Red wire & attach (-ve) pins with Black wire with the help of soldering iron

Step 4: Switch Setup

take a switch of 2 pins

you can cut down or even you can make a hole with soldering ion to set your switch & use some hot glue with it so that it will attach with the cartridge.

Attach the Red wire with 1 point of Switch.

Step 5: Battery & Charger Point

As we all know battery has 2 points (+ve) & (-ve)
i used a charger point which is suitable with Nokia charger.

now attach the (+ve) side of battery with + points of charging point. & the other side with other pin.

Step 6: Finish

now take another wire from ground side of battery to attach it with the other pin of SWITCH. so that whole circuit will complete.

Now recharge the battery & after that enjoy :)

the battery battery has about 3.3 voltage & as the LEDs are attached in parallel so it will be enough for both them & enough amount of Ampere through them. In this setup the LEDs will run for much time. But in need of high intensity light you will need to put a small register to increase the ampere between the LEDs.
