Introduction: Traffic Light.


Get this project by agnivohneb (

place:Banjarapalya e4d maker specs.


-10 LED´s

--2 red

--2 green

--2 yellow

--2 small red

--2 small green

-- 2 switch

--2 1k resister

--jumper wire


Step 1: Fix the LED's.

Take red LED fix it to the breadboard and take yellow LED fix it to the breadboard and take green LED fix it to the breadboard as shown in the image.

Step 2: Fix the Wire and Switch.

Take two wire and switch and fix it to the breadboard . Take two wire one wire fix to the switch to breadboard negative side and another wire fix to the breadboard positive side as shown in the image.

Step 3: Fix the Wire to the ARDUINO.

First take LED's top part take one jumper wire to fix the red LED to ARDUINO to pin number 4,and take another wire to fix yellow LED to ARDUINO pin number 3,and green LED to ARDUINO pin number 2,and small red LED ARDUINO pin number 7,small green ARDUINO pin number 6.

Take LED's down part red LED ARDUINO pin number 10,yellow LED to ARDUINO pin number 9,green LED to ARDUINO pin number 8,and small red LED to ARDUINO pin number 13,small green LED to ARDUINO pin number shown image.

Step 4: Fix the ARDUINO

Take one wire to fix the breadboard positive to ARDUINO pin ground.and take another wire to fix ARDUINO 3.3V to breadboard shown the image.


// Traffic Lights
// By Ben Hovinga


int light [2][5] = {{2,3,4,6,7},{8,9,10,12,13}};

// Buttons {light[0],light[1]}

int btn [] = {5,11};

// Timers

int tgreen = 30000; // 30s

int tyellow = 3000; // 3s

int tred = 3000; // 3s

int tpedwarn = 5000; // 5s (must be less than tgreen)

int tpedwarnint = 500; // 0.5s (must be less than tpedwarn)

// Other Vals. Don't Change

int btnval = 0;

boolean pedwait [] = {false,false};

boolean pedactive [] = {false,false};

int direct = 0;

int stp = 1;

boolean stpset = false;

unsigned long now = 0;

unsigned long changeat = -1;

unsigned long changeatped = -1;

boolean pedredon = true;


void setup() {

// Assign all Pins

for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++){

for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++){

pinMode(light[x][y], OUTPUT);


// Start everything stopped (red)

digitalWrite(light[x][2], HIGH);

digitalWrite(light[x][4], HIGH);


// Assign buttons

for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++){

pinMode(btn[x], INPUT);



// RUN

void loop() {

// Update Time

now = millis();

// Check if button pressed

for (int x = 0; x < 2; x ++){

btnval = digitalRead(btn[x]);

if (btnval == HIGH){

pedwait[x] = true; // We have someone waiting to cross



// Get into it

switch (stp){

// Green

case 1:

// Setup

if (stpset == false){

changeat = now + tgreen - tpedwarn; // Set timer

// Turn on Ped

if (pedwait[direct] == true){

// Lights change for ped

digitalWrite(light[direct][3], HIGH);

digitalWrite(light[direct][4], LOW);

// Set some vars

pedwait[direct] = false;

pedactive[direct] = true;

pedredon = false;


// Turn on Green

digitalWrite(light[direct][0], HIGH);

// Turn off Red

digitalWrite(light[direct][2], LOW);

stpset = true; // We are setup


// Run


if (now > changeat){ // Times up

if (pedactive[direct] == true){

// Turn off Ped

digitalWrite(light[direct][3], LOW);

digitalWrite(light[direct][4], HIGH);

pedredon = true;


// Next step


stpset = false;




// Warn ped (if possible)

case 2:

// Setup

if (stpset == false){

changeat = now + tpedwarn;

changeatped = now + tpedwarnint;

stpset = true;


// Run


// Flash Ped Red

if (pedactive[direct] == true){

if (pedredon == true && changeatped < now){

digitalWrite(light[direct][4], LOW);

pedredon = false;

changeatped = now + tpedwarnint;


if (pedredon == false && changeatped < now){

digitalWrite(light[direct][4], HIGH);

pedredon = true;

changeatped = now + tpedwarnint;



if (now > changeat){ // Times up

// Turn off

digitalWrite(light[direct][0], LOW);

digitalWrite(light[direct][4], HIGH);

pedredon = true;

pedactive[direct] = false;

// Next step


stpset = false;




// Yellow

case 3:

// Setup

if (stpset == false){

changeat = now + tyellow;

digitalWrite(light[direct][1], HIGH);

stpset = true;


// Run


if (now > changeat){ // Times up

// Turn off

digitalWrite(light[direct][1], LOW);

// Next step


stpset = false;




// Red

case 4:

// Setup

if (stpset == false){

changeat = now + tred;

digitalWrite(light[direct][2], HIGH);

stpset = true;


// Run


if (now > changeat){ // Times up

// Start over

stp = 1;

stpset = false;

// Change Direction

if (direct == 1){

direct = 0;


else {

direct = 1;





