Introduction: Woven Book Wallet

About: Just a girl who spends her days crafting! I love creating new things out of duct tape, clay, or anything that can be made into something new!

An easy DIY for any book lover!


~ Book Pages (5 by 7 1/2 inches)

~Clear Packing Tape

~X-acto knife

~Cutting Board

Step 1:

Start by making the strips that you are going to weave. The dimensioned I used are 3/4 inch by 5 inches.

Step 2:

Next, I folded the strip in half, then placed it on the clear packing tape. I then folded the tape around the edges of the strip. By doing this, the wallet will become more durable and will be water resistance. Next, I taped 2 strips together creating a 90 degree angle.

Step 3:

Start weaving by taping one set onto the cutting board. Tape the other sets next to each other. After doing this, weave the overlapping strips together.

Step 4:

After you finish weaving, clear tape one of the sides. Then trim down the sides so it becomes 8 by 3 inches. I then went ahead and added trim. I cut a strip that was 7.5 by 3/4 inches. I folded it in half and taped it to the edge.

Step 5:

I cut to sheets that are 7.5 by 3 inches. I taped the two together creating a sheet that is 8 inches long.

Step 6:

Next I made the pockets. I cut strips that were 7 1/2 by 1 1/2 inches. I covered one side in tape and used that to attach it do the wallet.

Step 7:

Next, I started to attach the two sides of the wallet together. I cut strips that were 3/4 inch wide,then covered one side in packing tape. I left a 1/4 inch trim around the edge. Use this to attach it to the wallet.

Book It! Contest

Second Prize in the
Book It! Contest

Three Ingredient Challenge

Participated in the
Three Ingredient Challenge