Introduction: How to Make a Yoyo Sleep (Sleeper Yo-yo Trick)

About: Age: 15 Name: Tanner Grade: 10'th (sophomore) Now, you must realize that i created this account several years ago and I did not have the same hobbies, tastes and general knowledge that I have now. But even th…

This instructable will show you how to throw a sleeper the most basic trick in yo-yoing.

Step 1: Holding a Yo-Yo

Holding a yoyo is the most important part to yo-yoing. The way you hold a yo-yo effects everything. The right way to hold it is have your yo-yo in your palm with the gap on your middle finger.

Step 2: Throwing Anticipation

this step is easy just raise the yo-yo just above you shoulder.

Step 3: Throw Your Sleeper

Now finnaly throw down your yo-yo so that you flick your wrist and let go of your yo-yo note that when you start to move your hand first you should let go of your yo-yo as soon as possible.