Introduction: Project Yolk

The act of cooking and preparing food brings with it many subtleties and nuances. From finding the perfect way to pepper a salad to the ultimate technique in which to scramble eggs – a long debated issue between many cooks. This mass of personal preferences combined with the countless tools and gadgets that fill the homeowners kitchen, makes for a perfect testing ground for personalization and modification.

With this in mind, we envision a future scenario where a character has the agency to freely create anything that they will. This project is a reflection of that vision, and an example of what may be the future of making; of uninhibited, whimsical design.

This project was a collaboration between Denon Vipond, Logan Mohr, JJ Mah, and Lauren Low, who are currently studying Industrial Design at Emily Carr University in Vancouver, BC.

Step 1:

Pick the perfect egg

Step 2:

Crack the egg

Step 3:

Place filled yolk containment chamber under nozzle, creating an air tight seal between the nozzle opening and yolk

Step 4:

Slowly engage lever until yolk is halfway

Step 5:

After performing egg extraction protocol perfectly, release yolk lever and let yolk fall into containment chamber

Step 6:

Now you are ready to make... Waffles! Custard! Meringues! Egg Noggin! Hollandaise Sauce!

Step 7: Material List

  • Epoxy resin
  • Moen sink plunger from Home Depot model: M7819
  • Sand paper
  • Untreated birch plywood
  • 2 threaded pipe connectors
  • 1 1/4 inch clear tubing
  • 1/4 inch dowel
  • 2 small egg sized bowls
  • 1 inch dowel
  • 4 Springs
  • 2 bolts
  • 2 locking washers
  • 2 regular washers
  • 8 metal countersunk washers
  • 12 one inch countersunk screws
  • 8 eye hooks