Introduction: Bullet Bottle Opener

About: I am a Marine Engineer in the RNZN (45 years done in various navies) and am looking forward to retirement!!! so I can do more messing about with tools

Continuing on my theme of "ibles" made from bullets/ordanance here is a simple bottle opener made from a 50cal (1/2 inch bullet casing)

Step 1: Get a Bullet Casing

Beg, steal, borrow whatever, fairly easy for me as I am in the military and make lots of "gizzits" for people when I am on deployment (check out my shot glass holder later when I post it, and bullet jewelry)

Step 2: Cut a Wedge Out of the Bullet

I cut this out with a hacksaw and then cleaned it up with a small file, go about halfway across the casing as shown.

BTW if you want to get a good shine on brass use Brasso (or other metal polish) on cardboard, the slightly abrasive texture of the cardboard give a really deep shine in seconds, this one is a bit tarnished from being used in the pool!

Step 3: Errrr Thats It!!

Easy Peasy Lemonn Squeezy!!

Metal Contest

Participated in the
Metal Contest