Introduction: Cross Bow Pistol

About: Supdoc. Member for 9 years. o.o

This is a pretty good x bow. It has a true trigger. A comfy handle. And shoots about 30 to 40 ft. have fun.

Step 1: Arms

1.Build this pretty easy.
2.Different view.
3.Build thees and put the green part on in the same direction its shone.
4.Put that part you last built on like this.
5.Different view.

Step 2: The Body, and Handle Very (Simple)

1.Build this its the barrel.
2.Different view of barrel .
3.Bad picture but this is how you attach the the barrel .
4.Handle parts.
5.Handle put together.
6.Different view.
7.Bad picture but this is how you attach the the barrel.
8.How to put the handle on don't mind the trigger.

Step 3: The Trigger

1.Build and gather thees parts.
2.How to put all the parts on.
3.Different view.
4.And if you cant figure out how to build the trigger go to The_burrito_master's x bow.

Step 4: The Rubberbands

1. Wrap it around the the blue rod and around the handle to the other blue rod. To tighten rap the rubber band around the blue rods to make it tighter.
2.Put a rubber band on the arms like this.
4.I'm sorry they are so blurry.

Step 5: Loading, and Shooting

1.Bring the rubber band back to the green rods on the spool.
2.Load in a orange connector diagonal on halfway in the barrel and the end in the rubber band i will add a picture when i build this gun have fun. (Now no more bothering me about how to shoot this gun.)

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