Introduction: Entertainment Safety Glasses

I first made it two years ago it was only a light and the glass ?

?Now I added a Mp3 player to it so if you work you get won't get bored
Now I am going show you how to make with items that are available all around the house

Step 1: Items

Safety glass ?
Mp3 player ?
Ear phone
Led?[I had pen led my mother brought me]

Step 2: [the Led]

Take the safety glass and tape or tie the led to the left of the safety glass.

Step 3: MP3s

My Mp3 player had pins to clip to anything if you don't have no problem tape it to the right side of the safety glass

Step 4: Ear Phone

Plug in the ear phone to the Mp3 and keep right of the ear phone in the right and tape it.
Take the left of the ear phone and take it from the front of the safety glass or from the back
And that's it done ????????????????????