Introduction: Knex Giant Hamster Ball!!!!!

About: my 1st comment=12marjnS12 my 10th comment=Odin6616 my 100th comment=brentbrent my 200th comment=knex gun builder my 250th comment=mettaurlover my 300th comment=shadowman39 my 350th comment=KelseYmh my 400th c…

 this is a giant hamster ball that you can fit inside!!!! it may look small from the pictures but it is bigger than you think!!! it is so big it wont fit through a door frame!!! a bad point is that it can break easily but is is easy to re pear. i have never seen anything like this before out of knex so i presume it is the first knex hamster ball on the whole of the internet!!! this is my second instructable so please rate 5* and look at my safe!!

Step 1: Piece Count

 this uses a lot of pieces so please check if you have enough.
white=  26
green= 56

grey= 72!!!
red= 32

Step 2: Just Make the Stuff You See

 make the stuff....