Introduction: Mini Needle Shooter

This Instructable is a small pen gun that took me less than a half hour

Step 1: Materials


-plastic pen
-rubber band
-tooth picks
-key ring
-duct tape
-knife or seizors

Step 2: Make the Barell

remove ink cartridge and other stuff until you have a hallow cylinder
then cut the pen on the dashed line

Step 3: Make the Firing Mechanisim

-wrap a tooth pick in the tape until you have a tube with a diamater smaller than the diamater smaller than the pens
-second you cut your rubber band in half and glue the middle of the band to the end of your tape cylander
-lastly glue your key ring to thr end of the rubber band

Step 4: Insert Firing Mechanism Into the Barel

self explaining

... read the title

Step 5: Finish the Gun

tape the rubber band ends to the side of the gun

Step 6: Darts

cut off the tips of the tooth picks then wrap the ends with duct tape

Step 7: Done

load dart pull back key ring and fire I got mine to shoot 21.8 feet make modifications

Pocket-Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket-Sized Contest