Introduction: Q-tip Blowdart!

to make a Q- tip blowdart, you need a lighter, q- tips (obviously), and a needle.

Step 1: Making the Base

to make the base, you must remove the cotton from one end of the q- tip. Then on the other end, straighten the cotton to make it look more dart like.

Step 2: Molding the Needle On.

First take the lighter and heat 1 end of the needle. then slightly heat the end of the q-tip that has no cotton, carfully mold the needle onto the q-tip. Hold it in possition for 1 min to ensure that it is sturdy.

Step 3: Firing

to fire the blow darts, take a pen and take it apart. keep what you would use in a spitball lancher.
make sure it is thick enoughto fit the blowdart inside, then blow!
Do not fire at anyone or any living thing, it is very dangerous! I cannot be held responsible for your actions with this blowdart.