Kiev Light Meter,considerate Conversion to Non Special Batterys


Intro: Kiev Light Meter,considerate Conversion to Non Special Batterys

inspired by the zenit apk,which has a external power imput, (it rinses batterys). i thought id apply it to my shiney new kiev, however i dont want to do anything nasty to it because its loveley,apart from its battery requirements.
what i used
spair battery compartment cover
a screw
2 rubber washers
some heatshrink
a spring
soldering iron
hot glue gun
battery holder and clip
flash sync plug and socket
side cutters
file,and rotary tool

iv done aa conversions to numerous other cameras in a much less sympathetic manner.
im no fan of the modern button cell battery,  because they last a year if your lucky weather you use them or not, especially when compaired to the old poisonous mercury ones which would last for 5 years or more,(actually have an olympus camera with 5 in it and its still going,_)

STEP 1: Remove Battery Cover

STEP 2: Identification of + and -

STEP 3: New Battery Compartment Cover

so a spair i had from another camera was a bit on the small side, using side cutters to expand the metal whilst pushing it in the appropiate direction with a thumb, carefully because its brass and brass snaps easily.then i made a rougth hole for the socket,then made the size exact with the reamer.(a reamer is a conical drill bit)

STEP 4: The Inside Bit

twist wire around the screw, squash rubber washer on,then put heat shrink on the thread

STEP 5: The Inside Bit Part 2

put spring inside second washer,put that over the first heat shrink, then secure with more heat shrink.

STEP 6: - Contact Connection

solder the wire from the screw to the center back of the socket. then cover with a bit of hot glue,shape it with wet fingers.
the whole thing was a bit too long so i madw the screw head flatter with a disk and file.
and i bent the spring out a bit so it goes around the back of the socket.

STEP 7: Connections

attach the wires between the plugs, forgot to take more pics at this stage, from the sync socket the double insulated conductor is the center contact, - in this instance.i used heat shrink here but forgot to have an extra bit threaded on to act as final cover,so i used electrical tape.

STEP 8: Test It

all seems ok. made a temporary battery placement solution ha ha.
engraved the relevant info onto the battery cover .and put the original safely away in its case.