Knex Pocket Pistol.


Intro: Knex Pocket Pistol.

This a small knex pistol that has a true trigger, magazine fed, looks good and is powerful (for its size)


powerful - 20-30ft
looks good
true trigger
small and compact
small piece count


only holds 3 rounds

STEP 1: First and Second Layers

make the first and second layers (make it twice)

STEP 2: Add the Insides and Second Layer

pic 1: add the inside parts
pic 2: add the second layer

STEP 3: Make and Add the Trigger

pic 1: top view
pic 2 side view
pic 3 : add the trigger to the gun

STEP 4: Ram, Magazine Pusher and Sights

pic 1: ram and magazine pusher (look at the note)
pic 2: add them to the gun

STEP 5: Add the Bands and Loading

pic 1: where to put the bands
pic 2: put 3 green rods in here
pic 3: add magazine pusher

STEP 6: Your Done!

thank you for building my knex pocket pistol. have much fun with it!


nevermind. figured out u do

do u need the little blue connector piece in pic 2?

you can fix the mag jamming by cutting off the top of the ram
Yeah true :)

or you can use blue one slot connectors for ammo if you got any. then might hold less because they are a little taller, but then it's a tight squeeze for them to shoot out.

I made it, it has a few problems but i fixed them, overall, GREAT GUN! :)

Do you know any simple guns as well? I promised ill make a good one!
Don't knex any more I am afraid. Search pocket pistols on this site :D
This is a pro gun man! I showed my friends at school, and now I'm the most popular!!!!
Thanks ;)

dude, nice gun. this is my choice gun for concealed carrying.

i built this like a year ago, the mag can hold 5 bullets
i extented it, but, the mag blocks the ram sometimes.
but a nice gun trough
Thanks =D
just wanna say great gun for modding, made a 13 bullet removable stock mag and made it fully automatic!!
Thanks! lol, how did you make it full auto?
you know, add a motor on, simple!!
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