Introduction: Egg-Free Semolina Dough

About: Made in Canada, I grew up crafting, making, and baking. Out of this love for designing and creating, I pursued a degree in product design from Parsons School of Design in NYC. Since then I've done work for Mar…

In this lesson, we’re going to whip up a batch of egg-free dough for those of you who can’t tolerate eggs or would simply like to try a different flavor and texture of noodle.

Step 1: What You'll Learn in This Video Lesson:

  • How to make egg-free semolina dough from scratch.
  • A different way of mixing fresh pasta dough.

Step 2: Egg-Free Semolina Dough Recipe

Serving Size: 4-6 (4 as a main dish, 6 as an appetizer)

  • 200 gr / 1 cup + 3 tbsp semolina flour
  • 150 gr / 1 cup unbleached flour
  • 178 ml / 3/4 cup room temperature water
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt

Step 3: Key Points to Remember:

  • You are done kneading when the dough is smooth and dry-ish to the touch.
  • When you press your finger into the finished dough ball, the dough should spring back slightly.