Luvit's 4th of July Guide


Intro: Luvit's 4th of July Guide

do nothing.
cookout with friends
teach our kids how swing baseball bats at fireflies ...or how to catch them. -- poke holes in lid of jar.
finally, don't write an instrucatable on the 'big day'.
that is all.


Good ideas Luvit, I love the fireflies in the jar (did you poke some holes in the lid?)
holes in lid is a great idea. kinda like a doggie door for fireflies.
Well I was kind of thinking for some air to breathe

I forgot how i got here but I'm here because of the humor...Luvit makes me laugh a lot.

i've been pretty busy designing the plan to prevent robots from killing us in the end.

UPDATED FOR 2010! (this comment)
 Hey, I noticed how on your orangeboard you posted how you're sad that you got a poor rating on this instructable, so I rated 5 stars.

By the way, are those really fireflies in the jar? Because it seems to me that they resemble LED's. Nothing bad, of course.
 i definitely don't have the patience to wire/solder a bunch of LEDs. lol.
thanks for the 5 stars! i know you wouldn't do it just out of sympathy. 
updated and fixed bugs.