

Inbox View Profile
LocationNorwich, UKJoined
Inbox View Profile
I love the design and ambition of vintage technology, and the usability and potential of new - my passion is bringing the two together.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Audio Challenge 2020
Contest Winner First Prize in the Audio Challenge 2020
Work From Home Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Work From Home Speed Challenge
Raspberry Pi Contest 2020
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Raspberry Pi Contest 2020
Reuse Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Reuse Contest
Games Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Games Contest
IoT Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the IoT Challenge
Unusual Uses Challenge 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Unusual Uses Challenge 2017
Invention Challenge 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Invention Challenge 2017
IoT Builders Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the IoT Builders Contest
Internet of Things Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Internet of Things Contest 2016
Reuse Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Reuse Contest
Home Technology Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Home Technology Contest

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