

Inbox View Profile
LocationNew Jersey, USAJoined
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Educator, designer, maker of things


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Anything Goes Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Anything Goes Contest
CNC and 3D Printing Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the CNC and 3D Printing Contest
Home Improvement Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Home Improvement Contest
PCB Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the PCB Challenge
Block Code Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Block Code Contest
Toys and Games Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Toys and Games Challenge
Distance Learning with Tinkercad Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Distance Learning with Tinkercad Contest
Motor Vehicle Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Motor Vehicle Contest
Pizza Speed Challenge 2020
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Pizza Speed Challenge 2020
3D Printed Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the 3D Printed Contest
Wedding Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wedding Contest 2016

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