

Inbox View Profile
LocationVancouver Island CanadaJoined
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Just an average guy. husband, father of four, grandpa, civil engineer turned cabinetmaker, jack of all trades master of a few. Enjoys, golf, curling, woodworking, creativity & making things.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
One Board Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the One Board Contest
Paper Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Paper Challenge
Anything Goes Contest 2021
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Anything Goes Contest 2021
Hide It Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Hide It Challenge
Heart Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Heart Contest
Paper Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Paper Contest
Rope & String Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Rope & String Speed Challenge
Magnets Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Magnets Challenge
Shelving Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Shelving Contest
Furniture Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Furniture Contest
Gardening Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Gardening Contest
Pocket Sized Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Pocket Sized Contest
Tape Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Tape Contest
Build a Tool Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Build a Tool Contest

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