Mini Altoids Emergency Fire Kit


Intro: Mini Altoids Emergency Fire Kit

this instructables would help you when you need fire or a base

STEP 1: Things You Need

*a box of altoids
*mini stock
*market you
*weld bugs


STEP 2: Last Step

HAVE FUN or use in a real case


slurms mcenzy!!!!!! oh my god!!! yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SLURMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Che was a murderer and a rapist. I would think twice about using him to represent you...
Pretty good instructible. You could add a magnisium fire starter. It's a bar of magnisium with a piece of flint on the side. supposed to last for ages and are only about $5.00. Pick them up at walmart. good for camping and cooking over an open fire.