My Recycled Wastebin


Intro: My Recycled Wastebin

my dustbin got misplace in my office....meanwhile i found some Bryan Adams live concert coasters in my office that were kept to be thrown... i made a small table waste-bin out of it...
wrapped it and scribbled a lady's head on it...
now its not just a in but also a stand for my sunglasses and she looks super cool in it...


OMG!!!!!!!!!!! this is so awesomeee!!!!
Nice Job. u hav Good Future.
very nice....intresting.........congrats
Nice 4m waste......very good idea
Its really awesome and creative!
appropriate use of waste box! It is really unique!
Keep it up! :)
Great creativity:)
no 2 Awesome! Well done.
thankyou..for ur appreciation..
supaacool work, i would to C more of this series/.
yes its very easy ... and looks super cool on our work table...i shall put it step wise in few days... thanks for commenting...
it is one heck of an art piece. i would love to make one for myself too!
thankyou so much... an appreciation from you is really inspiring... suggestions are welcome... i am making one more.. will post soon....