Nerf Mavric Super Powerd


Intro: Nerf Mavric Super Powerd

This is instructabule is for the Nerf  mavric, it increases loading speed and power. and a dart mod

I am not responsibly for any or a injure, or involvement with the law on your part, so think safety! Be sure to where proper protection and be sure to secure all protection

STEP 1: Tools and Supplies


screw driver


Nerf mavric
Nerf whistle darts
air soft BB's

STEP 2: More Power!

This step will show your how to super power the Nerf gun.

First. open up the case, by unscrewing with the screw driver.

Second. detach the top piston spring, then take out the second 1"in spring and place inside the larger spring, make sure it only sticks about one fourth the way, when lined up with other spring, if not use the wire cutters to cut the right about off.

Third. Take the wrench, clamp the spring and push the way that the spring goes until it gits large enough to fit the spring couple.

Fourth. shove the spring back in place and make sure it fits and will lock in place when cocked.

STEP 3: Restrictions!

unfortunately every Nerf gun has restrictions, however, you can take them off, by following this step

First. open up the chamber that holds the Nerf darts, and carefully pry it open with a screw driver and watch all the little wimpy springs and forks fall out, once they are all gone just put the end back on the chamber.


Somewhere in this mix of moding your Nerf gun, you may have lost a little spring that goes to the trigger,this can be replaced my cracking open a mechanical pencil or pen and sizing the spring to fit the triggers couple.  AND WORKS BETTER THAN ORIGNAL

STEP 5: Air Soft Dart Mod

This step will show you how to mod a Nerf dart to perfection,

First. get 1-4 air soft BB's and slide them in to the small hole in the tip of the whistle dart. and walla!
The dart now is vary hard, and painfull

The second mod!

Take a air soft BB and place it in the hole in the END of the dart and it will now launch when fired


I painted it


hey guys check it out
mods i did
-cpvc barrels
-ARR (air restrictor removal)
-penny mod
-put bolt in slide(it broke before:(
-all of the steps above


cool i'll try it
rapid nerf monkey your gun may look awesome but the end of the barrel is painted too, you need to have it orange so the cops no that it is a fake gun and not real so i would start un-painting the tip of the barrel.
ya i figured that out. mine is screwed now, so i'm using the spring for something else.
In my experiences, removing those actually reduces the range a dart will fly! I am fairly certain those are actually put in to prevent large air blasts during a dry fire. The only thing that will actually increase the range of the dart is replacing the air compressor spring.
very, very wrong
Would the dart mod work with the clip system darts?
More of my youtube :D
 im having a hell of a time getting the nub off too..  pushing isnt helping, tried for half an hour... any other suggestions?
me to but i dont see any silver peg on the back. could you add a pic?
 also, it has been a while since i have done this, but look for a silver peg sticking out of the back and press on it realy hard and twist and it should come right off
 trust me try relay hard, it is tough, make sure u have all of the skews un done, if necessary you may need to resort to pliers of a large size 
I need a good mod that i can use and whoop my little bro w/ my mav and nite finder
TIP: for the wistler darts rip the wistle off. This realy helps.
skrew this just make stefans
you need 2 cut the long things off and sand it down
i will try that next time i update this
one heluva bad assed nerf gun
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