Origami Crane Instruction


Intro: Origami Crane Instruction

in this instructable (my first one!), i'm gonna show you how to make an origami crane.


make sure that you have a clean surface to work on.
This will make folding much easier


Fold along the diagonal creases, as shown in picture two.
Fold the paper in half, fold back, turn the paper 90 degrees.
Fold in half again and fold back.


Fold the paper in half again and back, but when folding back, hold the left corner down, as shown in picture two.
Flatten the paper by pressing the left side down.


Fold the left and the right sides to the center.( Be carefull, just the top layer.)
Fold the top down, as shown in picture two.
Open up the paper and flatten it.


repeat on the other side.
Fold the left and right sides to the center, the top layer only.
Repeat on the other side.


fold the bottom up, both of the layers.
fold back.
Look at the pictures for the next folds (they are hard to describe)
repeat on the other side.


fold the top of one of the "legs" down and flatten it.
Open up the wings
Your crane is ready to fly!


So this is your first 'Ible! Wow, its awesome, I can definetely see a lot of improvement between back then and your current Instructables! Well done :-)

I know right !?! Especially the length of the intro text has changed a LOT! And, basically the length of every part of text :)

Also, thanks for my 1100 comment. Check my 'about' section to see your name :-)

Awesome! I finally got the long reply, reading it now :D

Indeed you do :-D Sometimes it good to have a mix! :-)

Also, sorry I have not yet replied to your PMs, I had a badminton tournament yesterday. :-p

I have actually never used a smiley with a nose :)

Really? Wow, how do you survive? :)

Survival of the Fittest! :p

I guess Darwin was right. :-P

Yeah, that seems so! Anything is worth it for a feature though :-)

Just to feel that sense of accomplishment! :D

Great job! I've always wanted to make one of these... I might try today. :D
I'm gonna make more origami instructables soon