Paper Clip Hopper


Intro: Paper Clip Hopper

this is a very easy paper clip hopper

STEP 1: What You Need

all you need is a paper clip

STEP 2: First Step

now take the middle of the paper clip and bend it so it looks like this

STEP 3: Second Step

take one of the pieces and bend the top so it looks like this

STEP 4: Third Step

now bend it back up so it looks like this

STEP 5: Making It Jump

your wrist has to stay on the table when you throw this. so it's all in the wrist. pic 1= going up, ready to throw. pic 2= going down,letting go. have fun. warning do not have your head above this when you make it jump.


Wow, thought I, a jumper (ie sweater) made out of paperclips! A postmodern chainmail vest. Then I saw the Instructable. Oh well. It's still pretty cool anyway...

Best of luck :) One thing to not wear in a lighting storm...
I can't imagine actually playing in that, but it could be the new sport. I would watch every match...or whatever they would be called...Paperclip Mail Wrestling!!!