Knex Flower Pot Holder


Intro: Knex Flower Pot Holder

This is a cool little plant holder!! it is my original idea. Hope you like it!! :):):)

STEP 1: Pieces

STEP 2: Bottom Base

STEP 3: Putting on White Pieces

STEP 4: Putting on Middle

STEP 5: Top Part

STEP 6: Putting White Pieces on It

STEP 7: Putting in Middle

STEP 8: And This It What You Got.

STEP 9: Putting in Blue Pieces

STEP 10: Adding Yellow Pieces.

STEP 11: Making Middle Part.

STEP 12: Add Middle Part.

STEP 13: Putting Top On.

STEP 14: Put Yellow Pieces on Back.

STEP 15: Then Put the Red Pieces on the Yellow Ones.

STEP 16: Then You Put the Last Blue Piece on the Red.

STEP 17: And Your Done!! You Can Put Any Kind of Small Plant on This. I Put My Cactus on It. and You Can Adjust the Back of It to the Size of Your Plat Pot So It Won't Fall Off.


Thanks! Gald you like it!:)
Thanks! Glad you like it!

Nice but you should really delete the empty steps - they are not necessary. Also you should try to condense the steps by adding more pictures to one step. Overall, good job for a first.

Thanks! I really appreciate Advice!!

No problem! Looking back at my comment, sorry if I was a bit too harsh. :-P

No you were not harsh!:):) you actually Helped me! And I am working on a catapult. There will be more pictures it!:-)