S0lekill3r's Knex Halo Master Cheaf Helmet


Intro: S0lekill3r's Knex Halo Master Cheaf Helmet

hey guy's since my last guns that i built ive been trying to build a helmet out of knex and all of them fails.so i decided to build s0lekill3r's halo helmet heres a video of the helmet:

STEP 1: Top Part

this is the top part of the helmet it holds it on your head

STEP 2: Jaw Protection

this bit covers your jaws/mouth

STEP 3: The Sides

these are the sides of the helmet

STEP 4: The Back

this is the back

STEP 5: Assembly!

this is how to assemble

STEP 6: Done!

and ther yyou are a cool looking halo helmet


could you get some more pictures of the back? im stuck on the red pieces
Can you show a clear pic of how to attach back and sides?
You connect the green rods on the sides to the yellow and blue connector’s
Could you make the sides pictures clearer, I'm stuck on them since the pictures are blurry?
I glued a fake chicken on it for an Easter hat and I won the competition at my school thanks

Thats cool! But you should make the top more round or something. But other than that sweet!

You probably should make sure you don't seem stupid before commenting... "desing?" What the heck is that?
design desing very close. Only 2 letters switched if you can't figure that out maybe you are the stupid one?
make a parts list plzzzz
hey, no need for insults or swearing :) you don't need to call him a "twat" just because he spelt chief wrong! Anyway, you said that I (as in you) spelt it wrong. Hit the keyboard in the right place!

Otherwise, awesome helmet!
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