Introduction: Simple Knex Throwing/tactical Knife!
here are some incredibly simple but great knex throwing and tactical knives!
Step 1: Materials
here are the materials to make one throwing knife. double them to make two (recommended).
one green rod
one grey rod
one orange bendy rod
one yellow rod
one yellow connector
one green connector
two orange connectors
one grey connector
one black rod/connector
one green rod
one grey rod
one orange bendy rod
one yellow rod
one yellow connector
one green connector
two orange connectors
one grey connector
one black rod/connector
Step 2: Main Blade Assembly
follow these pictures to do the main blade assembly
Step 3: Last Bits!
pic one: add the black piece to the green connector and click it onto the bottom of the grey rod
pic two: add the green piece
pic two: add the green piece
Step 4: Finished!
you are finished! please follow for more instructables to come!