The Paperbag Thing


Intro: The Paperbag Thing

this idea is not one of mine, i only seen it in a movie(bomb the system), but it´s that junky i gotta share it here.
get yourself a paper shopping bag
pick your favourite stencil & print it on the bottom
cut it out
go shopping



i'd cover the bag from inside with plastic and the bottom with scotch tape before doing it the paint from inside soaks into the bag (even when small quantity) and gets visible from outside
Nawww, if you did that all the paint would just pour out of the bottom, giving you splats and dribbles.... I imagine you get this anyway but more so if you made it waterproof on the inside.
of course, no one would hear or smell the spray paint... it's special ninja spray paint
This actually does work I've done it in the past and still haven't got caught.
It would be even cooler if you could set a timer on the spray can and then leave the bag. That way you dont have to stand there and get caught.
So you rig up something that gets destroyed once they find it? I'll take my chances getting caught.
imagine doing this with a box, but instead of a stencil, make a foam cuttout stamp, wrap it in plastic, put it in the box, put plastic inside, soak with ink, walk around, and just press it down, make a stamp and leave.
A truly inspired idea! I'll be heading off to the local mall in about 20 minutes - lol!
i think the bag is better than the backpack....its simple to make and is very secretive..just make it look like ur going thru ur bag
yeah... thats a great idea... though its kinda messy inside the bag... a trolley with a release button on top could do the deal 2... problem is you don´t see the amount of paint u r applying... i guess best would be carrying round an airmail packet... or something similar paperboy-suitup !! ill add some illustration later peaceout clrcdd
:O That's a great idea! You could get one of the thick backpacks with a flap in the front. Empty out anything behind the flap and replace with stencil. Then, using something similiar to the "High-writer"(instructable) inside the backpack, press the can down and art it is.
Ingenious idea! But it leaves me to wonder, sure for floors and such it's easy to be discreet, but what about walls? I saw Scurl!'s one with the paper bag and he suggested putting it against the wall. Doesn't that look a bit more suspicious than it should? I would love to hear any ideas about placing the stencil against a wall without the need to draw the slightest bit of attention.
How about some sort of backpack mod so you could just lean back against a blank wall and then walk away from a piece of art?
yeah yeah, this guy's all big budget picture and whatnot LOL it is clearer though....damn.....
Take it easy. Your title makes much more sense than his.
Is it for grafiting?
Yeah... for putting a stencil down on the sidewalk.
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